Breaking Free… With Grace
Breaking Free With Grace - Ann Marie Grace, artist, retreat owner and leader, in an interview with Penny van der Sluys of podcast, Turned On
Three weeks ago, I went through a pretty revolutionary experience on an intensive residential retreat in the hinterlands of Byron Bay. The Hoffman Process (if you’ve never heard of it - be sure to check it out) is an intense personal development program designed to help you identify and resolve negative behavioural patterns, emotional blockages, and deep-seated issues stemming from childhood experiences / family dynamics; integrating psychological, emotional, and spiritual techniques to foster self-awareness, emotional healing, and personal transformation.
Luminaries like Dr’s Gabor Maté, Dan Siegel and Jill Bolte Taylor are proponents for The Process - and now I can see why. To sum it up - this was deep, intense, life-changing work - and the experience was nothing short of mind-blowing!
I’m still in a process of integrating my learnings and I’m finding it fascinating to see how it has built upon the self-work I’ve under taken over the past 15-20 years - since finding my breath and realising that my thoughts can be slowed (or momentarily paused), allowing my inner voice & knowing space to be heard.
The Process also build experiential learning into everything I had learned through my time working in the world of yoga therapy and therapeutic yoga, meditation and the processing of my personal struggles.
Last week, I was honoured to share my journey of breaking free from societal and personal constraints to live a life fuelled by passion and authenticity in an interview with feminine empowerment coach, Penny van der Sluys on her podcast, Turned On.
In preparing for the podcast, I began reflecting on the long process I (continue to go through) of breaking free of constructs that I had believed to be true and rigid… and how through some of the skills I learned at the Hoffman Process that I’ve been able to give myself (& others) greater compassion.
I also talk about the meandering journey I’ve taken through life following my passions; from moving across continents, starting a Mexican restaurant, entering the world of wine… then wellbeing; and ultimately coming back my artistic roots. This is my story of courage, resilience, and unwavering belief in the power of following one's heart.
Tune in to hear me share about:
My pivotal a-ha/break free moments
Being multi-passionate
How to know when to break free
Different ways you can look at your purpose and dharma (& that dharma can change!)
Walking away from things we have worked hard on or built up
The Hoffman Process
Owning parts of ourselves and our identity
Tips on what to look for when you want to break free
The positive benefits and life changing impacts of yoga and meditation practices
How a retreat can help you to break free (and how to join me on an upcoming retreat)
How to access the benefits of a retreat if you don’t have the means to attend one (download my one day retreat planner!)
How you can use a quadrinity check every day
Trusting your inner guidance, surrendering and knowing there is always a lesson.
A tip for getting through anxious thoughts about the future